This Image Of the G-man is actually the only remaining trace of the original introduction to
"The GMOD Insanity Collection 4"
What The Intro Would Have Been Like
The Footage (From what I remember) was Filmed in Mid-Late August
The Intro would have been the G-man doing his intro speech from Half-Life 2
Using the Scene tool in Garry's Mod 12 with the camera slowly zooming out.
As he was talking, weird or funny stuff would happen around him like a guy on a bench with beer or the Demoman doing crazy shit
Then when the G-man has finished his speech a train horn would sound then out of nowhere a train would drop on him (A Reference to the G-man Being hit by a train in TGIC1)
Unfortunately, The whole intro was filmed with JUST the Audio Meaning it was unusable
and had to be scrapped.